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Comparison kills Happiness

Comparing yourself to others steals the joy & Happiness in your life.

Have you ever compared yourself to friends, family members or maybe even total strangers..?

Or have you ever told yourself that they are 'more ahead' of you?

You compared your body, compared your job or even compared the som of money what you earn with people around you?

How did that make you feel?

Was it helpful?

Wouldn't it be more pleasant to live your life without comparing yourself to others?

How freeing would that be for you?

And how much more joy and happiness would you experience by doing so?

Social media is a huge trigger.

We compare ourselves every day with others by looking at their popularity, their beauty, their knowledge, the fact that they are miles ahead of you with their life or in their business.

And when we compare.., we compare to the extreme...

Top models, millionaires or the professionals in your workfield who have got maybe so much more years of knowledge and practice under their belt.

Yes, if you compare yourself like this you have chosen for the painful way!

"Comparison is the thief of joy" - Theodore Roosevelt

Comparing yourself with others really kills your own dreams.

Respect that everyone has had their own upbringing,

In their own country, with their own culture and all brought up by different caretakers and friends.

We all have different values and totally different beliefs about everything.

Everyone has their own troubles and lessons to learn in life.

I admit, I have done the same,

I compared myself with total strangers, people who I've never even met before, did not know anything about their background, nothing about their life, or their years of knowledge. I did not know one single thing!

Still, I compared myself with them.

'They were so many steps ahead of me.'

But ahead of WHAT? Ahead of MY journey?

How can someone else be more ahead on MY journey?

You are the only person who can walk YOUR journey.., right?

Seeing other people's success could really hurt me deeply and I felt so bad about myself.

By acting this way I totally deleted my own success, joy & happiness in life. I was running a horrible strategy. It even took me away from my own focus and determination.

And let's be real here, how many SAD stories do we hear or read on social media? Hardly any! From the outside it looks like someone lives 'the perfect life' but to be honest have you ever thought about that it does not have to mean that these people are pleased with where they are at. We can not see as an outsider if they are truly happy. Can you?

So HOW can you live your life without comparing yourself to others,

1 Everything always starts with awareness, when you are aware of you comparing yourself to others you can change it!

2 STOP comparing your journey with other people's external world. Stop it!

Even research shows that it breeds feelings of envy, low self-confidence and even depression. And last but not least our ability to trust others.

That does not sound healthy, does it?

3 Love where you are at! Enjoy every single step of your life, embrace it fully!

If you want to climb a mountain you cannot start at the top. You need every single step to get yourself to your destination. Just enjoy the journey! Every single stranger you compare yourself with has climbed their own mountain to have the results they have fought for.

4 Compare yourself to yourself. Compare yourself with who were you yesterday, not to who someone else is today. Ask yourself if you have grown along the way?

5 Acknowledge yourself in how far you have come. This is incredibly important to earn the trust in yourself.

If you still feel a sense of jealousy raising up in yourself, let this be a positive thing, because jealousy brings you to what you desire, that particular person has got the recipe on how to get, where you would love to be.

I would recommend you, stay very close to that person and learn from him or her and even model their excellence.

Support others with so much love! How difficult that may be, you are the only person that make it difficult for you. 'What you give, is what you will receive.'

"Do not worry about the people who are not happy for you, they probably are not happy for themselves either"

- Ihsan Ali Janwari

The most important message to keep in mind is that you never know how you are an inspiration to others! Keep doing what you are good at and what brings you happiness!

Do not undervalue your own success and be honest with yourself, look how far you have come and truly acknowledge yourself and where you are capable of.

You have your own path to walk with your own ups and down.

"Don't compare your life to others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time."

Celebrate yourself and your own success.

Enjoy! You have deserved it so much.

"Keep pursuing your dreams they are worth it, just like you!"

- Pleunie Peeters

Enjoy being alive, live in Happiness ♡

Xx Pleunie

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